Valentine's Day Craft: Quilled Heart


You must have read my earlier post 'Inspiring Eminent Blogger: Suganthi'. She is Quilling Artist and has her unique way of Quilling. I loved all her artwork and instantly fell in love with this art. I tried my hand on Quilling earlier also. I made Quilled flower wreath on Christmas. This time I made Quilled heart as you all know Valentine's Day is just around the corner. This craft is very easy and you can involve your kids also as I did.

Valentine's Day Craft

I made this quilled heart and then added bead hanging inside it. To make quilled heart, take a red quilling stripe and fold it into half. Roll both the ends inwards, one after another using quilling needle and then stick both the coils together.

Valentine's Day Craft

To hang beads inside quilled heart was very simple. Just thread, needle & beads and your quilled heart will look even more cute :)

Valentine's Day Craft

Look at the images and you will be able to understand how to make these cute little hanging quilled heart.

Valentine's Day Craft

Now the next steps is to hang them on a branch.

Valentine's Day Craft

I had this dried branch and I painted it red. All the little heart are now hanging beautifully on a Love Tree.

Valentine's Day Craft

And spreading love..............
Valentine's Day Craft

See....Love is in the air :))

Valentine's Day Craft

Tree is looking lovely but I think it needs something more........

Valentine's Day Craft

I have an idea to make it more lovely, more beautiful........probably will show you in my next post.

Valentine's Day Craft

Till then try making this love tree for your loved ones and don't forget to show me the images.

P.S. All images are mine and are subject to copyright.